openingsuren / opening times
maandag / monday | 12:00–14:30 18:00–23:00 |
dinsdag / tuesday | 12:00–14:30 18:00–23:00 |
woensdag / wednesday | gesloten / closed |
donderdag / thursday | 12:00–14:30 18:00–23:00 |
vrijdag / friday | 18:00–23:00 |
zaterdag / saturday | 12:00–14:30 18:00–23:00 |
zondag / sunday | 12:00–14:30 18:00–23:00 |
adres / address
Koningin Maria Hendrikaplein 66
9000 Gent
reservatie / reservation
U kan reserveren via het contactformulier (minstens 1u op voorhand). Wij bevestigen uw reservatie van zodra wij deze zien aankomen.
You can make a reservation with the contact form (at least 1 hour in advance). We will confirm your reservation as soon as we see it arriving.
Voor dringende reservaties (<1h), gelieve telefonisch contact op te nemen: +32 9 377 25 60
For urgent reservations (<1h), please call us: +32 9 377 25 60